
Dive deeper into our comprehensive suite of planning and housing development services:

Housing Needs Assessments & Market Analysis
We analyze your community's housing market to identify gaps in affordability, housing types, and related services. This data-driven approach informs strategic planning for future development.

Feasibility Studies for Affordable Housing Developments
Evaluate the financial viability of your affordable housing project with our comprehensive feasibility studies. We consider market conditions, construction costs, and funding opportunities.

Zoning & Entitlement Strategies for Affordable Housing Projects
Navigate complex zoning regulations and secure entitlements for your affordable housing development. We ensure your project aligns with community needs and achieves optimal outcomes.

Public Engagement & Community Outreach for Housing Initiatives
Foster open communication and collaboration with residents throughout your housing project. We design effective outreach strategies to build trust and consensus.

Comprehensive Planning and Code Rewrites
Update your comprehensive plan and development code regulations to create a thriving and inclusive future. We guide you through a collaborative process to improve your regulatory framework.

In our home state of Florida, we also assist local governments and affordable housing developers effectively implement the Live Local Act.


Have a project in mind? Contact us today and let’s discuss the details. Tell us your goals and we will propose a customized project for you.